Hippani Animator (formerly Hippo Animator), a slick HTML Animation tool that brings life to your web pages on all platforms.
Unlike Flash, Silverlight, and Java, Hippo Animator works on smartphones too. It also works in old browsers like Internet Explorer 6, 7 and eight where new technologies like HTML5 are not available.
No plugins, downloads or scripting knowledge is required. Movies are small and scalable. Simply create a movie with the easy to use editor and export it to HTML, GIF, image or video. Add your movies to a web page using one simple line of code or create whole animated web pages that scale to fit any internet browser.
Hippani Animator (formerly Hippo Animator) is perfect for anybody who is interested in HTML animation, CSS animation, HTML5 animation, SVG animation, Silverlight animation, Flash animation, Java animation, javascript animation, VML animation, canvas animation, banner animation, GIF Animation, image to video, image to Avi, web design, graphic design, dynamic HTML, DHTML or any other kind web animation.
Expression Web is a full-featured professional tool for designing, developing, and publishing compelling, feature-rich websites that conform to web standards.