HTTPNetworkSniffer is a packet sniffer tool for capturing all HTTP requests/responses that are being sent between your web browser and the server.
Once captured these HTTP requests/responses are displayed in a simple to read table. For every HTTP request, the following information is displayed; Host Name, HTTP method (GET, POST, HEAD), URL Path, User Agent, Response Code, Response String, Content-Type, Referer, Content-Encoding, Transfer-Encoding, Server Name, Content-Length, Cookie-String, and more.
HTTPNetworkSniffer makes the selection of one or more HTTP information lines extremely simple, and you can then export them to text/HTML/XML/CSV file or copy them to the clipboard and then paste them into Excel.
Simple Port Forwarding works with webpages and not directly with your router making it a safe program to use. Supports 52 Languages and 2600+ routers. Portable version also available.