ICU – Icon Configuration Utility is a handy desktop organizational app that helps restore your icons when they get rearranged.
It allows you to save multiple layouts of your desktop and then permits you to restore the icons to their desired positions. It is simple to set up, and the fact that it allows for multiple layouts can be advantageous depending on what you are doing, like work that requires specific apps to be available, for instance.
Operation of ICU – Icon Configuration Utility is easy – press Save to store a particular configuration and Restore to reset the icons to the saved positions in the selected configuration file. If you want to get rid of a layout press Delete, this will allow the removal of unwanted configuration files from the list, for those that like the command line, there is the option for you. Restoration from the command line is permitted via HotKeys if required (that is why the script warns that it should be compiled for full functionality).
ICU – Icon Configuration Utility will also allow you to decide what to do with any icons that have been added since you last saved the configuration file. This action can be done via the right-click context menu if you have permitted context menu integration. The default option locates the icon in the top-left corner. But you can position them off-screen or specify a location.
ICU – Icon Configuration Utility is a small footprint app that comes packaged in a streamlined interface that is simple but highly functional, allowing any user type to benefit from having an orderly desktop display.
ICU – Icon Configuration Utility supports the following command line parameters:
"icu.exe restore 2" Will restore the config #2 to the list.
"icu.exe restore NameX" Will restore the first config with "NameX" in the name.
"icu.exe restore %resolution%" %resolution% as a wildcard will be replaced with the current resolution and bit depth (e.g. "1440x900x32"). Will restore the first config that matches the wildcard name.
"icu.exe autosave" Saves the config to a timestamped file (i.e., for autostart usage).
"icu.exe save" Will bring up the ICU save config dialog.
"icu.exe savereplace 2" Will replace the saved config #2 with a new save, will NOT bring up save config dialog but use most recent settings.
"icu.exe savereplace NameX" Will replace the first config with "NameX" in the name with a new save, will NOT bring up save config dialog but use most recent settings.
"icu.exe savereplace %resolution%" %resolution% as a wildcard will be replaced with the current resolution and bit depth (e.g. "1440x900x32"). Will replace the first config that matches the new save name.
"icu.exe minimized" Will start ICU in minimized mode / adds an ICU icon to tray. Useful for "Autostart" (esp. on XP without DCI) usage.
"icu.exe toggle 1 2" "icu.exe toggle Config_A Config_B" Both configs must exist. The configs have a "last saved timestamp," ICU will evaluate which timestamp is older. The older one will be replaced with the current config, and the newer one will be restored. CAUTION: ICU might get confused about which config to restore if other configs are used in parallel. Always create a duplicate of the individual config files before trying the "toggle" switch.