ImgWater is a free app to apply text watermarks to your BMP, EMF, EXIF, GIF, JPG, PNG, TIF, and WMF images.
ImgWater starts by requiring you to import an image with the File menu. Surprisingly, drag and drop isn't an option.
From here, just enter your watermark text and font. Opacity options can be changed from 10-100%, and finally, you can place your test at the top, bottom, middle or diagonal. A preview is available before you save your watermarked image. We would appreciate the ability to place the text where we want. Often preset watermark locations simply don't work.
Strangely, there's no X in the top right of the app to close. That's rare, but you can exit with File, Exit and there's an additional exit option alongside Import Image, Font, Preview, and Save. When we exited, the app opened a URL at the author's homepage, with a 403 error. Oops.
ImgWater is a pretty basic watermarking app. Considering many of the more full-featured watermarking apps are shareware, or you need to edit with a graphics program, this makes for a free and easy to use watermarking solution.
Easy Watermark Studio can add a digital watermark (text, image, logo...) to your pictures, protect your photo safety, and avoid them from unauthorized use.