Improve YouTube! for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Opera adds many useful extras to augment your YouTube experience.
It is designed to make YouTube tidier and more powerful over the default offering. Improve YouTube! allows you to change the YouTube player size, adds themes, auto HD Colors, playback speed control, and more. One nice feature is being able to turn off ads with the ability to whitelist your favorite channel subscriptions - like for MajorGeeks...
Improve YouTube! includes over 42 useful unique features, all designed to improve your watching experience greatly. Each setting category has easy-to-use toggle switches allowing for easy configuration.
Improve YouTube! Features:
Video Quality
Fixed Volume or disallow Loudness Normalization
Fixed Playback Speed
"Repeat" button for Player
"Screenshot" button for Player
"Popup Player" button for Player or PIP Picture in picture player
"Rotate Video" button for Player
Forced H.264 Video Codec (speed up)
Video Autoplay Off
Ads only on Subscribed Channels
Disallow ads inside player
Disable 60fps
Disable Subtitles
Up Next Autoplay Off
Mini Player
Player Appearance:
Player Size
Forced Theater Mode
Player Color (timeline/progress bar)
Transparent Background
Header style * Monochrome YouTube Logo
Hide Cards, Endscreen, Annotations
Video Page Appearance
Hide Related Videos, Details, Views, Likes or change their styles
Show video age S
how channel video count
Change style of "Description", "Comments", "Footer", "Livechat", "Playlist" and "Related videos"
Video Quality
A full listing of features can be found at the author's site.
SuperYouTube for Chrome is a free extension capable of enhancing your viewing experience by allowing you to read comments while watching a video, scroll-over volume control, and more.