Kega Fusion is a multi-platform Sega emulator that strives to be as accurate as possible.
Kega Fusion includes multiplayer support and a few basic recording features but remains true to its core function - fast, accurate and stable gameplay. It will perform well even if you are running on limited hardware as well as with advanced upscaling filters. It can be used for Sega SC3000, SG1000, SF7000, Game Gear, Genesis/Megadrive, Master System, SVP, Pico, SegaCD/MegaCD as well as 32X emulation. Along with its ability to emulate most Sega home console systems, Kega Fusion additionally supports logging to a WAV file or the successor to GYM format, VGM. VGM is similar to GYM regarding how it's created but widely superior in its accuracy to YM2612 synthesis, compression (in the VGZ format) and looping.
MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) was designed to allow you to enjoy old arcade games on your current machine. Also available as front ends: MAMEUI, IV/Play and Emu Loader.
Wii U USB Helper [ 2018-05-01 05:42:03 | 1.47 MB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP / Android | 4 ]
Wii U USB Helper allows you to download, backup and play games from the eShop servers on your PC and Android. Project has been abandoned.
Emu Loader is an Open Source GUI for popular game emulators including MAME, Supermodel - Sega Model 3, Daphne, Demul, HBMAME, DICE, Sega Model 2 and ZiNc.