Lightbeam for Firefox enables you to see the first and third-party sites you interact with on the web.
It does this by using interactive visualizations and shows you the relationships between these third parties and the sites you visit.
Using three distinct interactive graphic representations — Graph, Clock, and List — Lightbeam enables you to examine individual third parties over time and space, identify where they connect to your online activity and provides ways for you to engage with this unique view of the Web.
When you activate Lightbeam for Firefox and visit a website, sometimes called the first party, the add-on creates a real-time visualization of all the third parties that are active on that page. The default visualization is called the Graph view. As you then browse to a second site, the add-on highlights the third parties that are also active there and shows which third parties have seen you at both sites. The visualization grows with every site you visit and every request made from your browser. In addition to the Graph view, you can also see your data in a Clock view to examine connections over a 24-hour period or in a List view to drill down into individual sites.