MEGA is a functional cloud backup extension that provides solid security and privacy features.
You have the potential to utilize up to 4 TB of storage space. Still, only 20 GB is initially provided after installation, with additional space being allocated as you add friends and use MEGA'S mobile app or sign up for one of the modestly priced storage plans. Any data you choose to store is accessible anytime, and it is end-to-end encrypted, so only you control who has access to your data. There is also the option for secure collaboration to securely communicate and share data with your contacts, including real-time updates.
MEGA for Chrome also utilizes live encrypted backup that includes real-time file synchronization and versioning features, ensuring that your data is safe and recoverable. Another convenience this extension provides is that it will auto-capture any MEGA URL. This feature is intended to help improve download performance and reduce overall loading times.
Google Drive is a cloud file storage and synchronization service encompassing Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides. Google Drive permits the collaborative editing of documents, spreadsheets, presentations, drawings, forms, and more. Try the Save to Google Drive Chrome extension.