Microsoft To Do is a task organizer designed to help streamline your workflow, daily activities, and more.
It includes a smart daily planner that will provide you with intelligent and personalized suggestions to update your daily to-do list. You can manage your to-do list online across multiple platforms allowing you to stay organized no matter where you are. You can also share your to-do lists so you can stay connected with family, friends, and work.
Microsoft To Do aims to make managing all your tasks more efficient by allowing you to break them down into achievable steps. You can then add due dates and set reminders for your daily checklist helping to keep on course.
Microsoft To Do also includes Outlook Tasks integration, making managing your task a much more efficient process since they are all centralized. All in all, Microsoft To Do contains all that is needed to stay organized through a streamlined app with many useful features.
Microsoft To Do Features:
Add to-dos that you'll focus on today to My Day; every day, it wipes clean so that you can start afresh
See your to-dos from yesterday and what we think you should work on today with our intelligent Suggestions
Add, organize and schedule your to-dos from your phone or computer
Set due dates and reminders to ensure you never forget important deadlines (or birthday gifts) again
Use notes to add important details to your to-dos
Create lists to help sort your to-dos for home, work, and everything in between
Be productive from anywhere, thanks to To Do's's apps for your phone and computer
Evernote is a note management application that offers you a single place for the organization, easy input and quick retrieval of all types of notes and clippings.