MiTeC E-mail History Browser collects and displays e-mail communication history taken from supported e-mail clients in a comprehensive interface with powerful filtering engine.
You can trace and see all your (or someone else's) e-mail communication. Everything except the message body and attachments is saved and displayed.
This application is portable - for use even when away from your primary machine.
Mail PassView is a small password-recovery tool that reveals the passwords and other account details for all popular email clients. Portable version also available.
Mozilla Thunderbird for Windows, Linux, and Mac is a free cross-platform email application that's easy to set up and customize - and it's loaded with great features. A portable version is also available.
Mozilla Thunderbird for Windows, Linux, and Mac makes emailing safer, faster, and easier than ever with intelligent spam filters, a built-in spell checker, extension support, and much more. A portable version is also available.
Mozilla Thunderbird Portable (Legacy) for Windows makes emailing safer, faster, and easier than ever with intelligent spam filters, a built-in spell checker, extension support, and much more. Also available here as an installer.