MP3 Skype Recorder is designed to easily record Skype calls - even ones over landlines.
This versatile recorder has automatic or manual recording capabilities and the MP3 files are stored in a compact format. The recordings can be saved at the desired bit-rate and in mono or stereo. You can also use MP3 Skype Recorder to record P2P, SkypeOut calls as well as calls made to an online number. Additionally, you can easily track simultaneous calls and then save them separately if you desire.
Another great MP3 Skype Recorder feature that can be seamlessly used with important business related calls, for instance, is the fact that you can integrate it with Skype Conference recording - never miss an important topic again.
Viber is a cross-platform VoIP (voice over IP) application that will let you send free messages and make free calls to other Viber users on any device, network, or in any country in which you happen to be.