Network Activity Indicator can be considered the swiss-knife tool for network administration and statistics. It Features an old-school blinking network status icon down in the systray. You can also view a network traffic graph and advanced network statistics via the right-click context from the app icon.
It has a lot of data that can be accessed, like network connection stats, home group, network domain/workgroup, and network connections/adapters. You can also manage available wireless networks from within the app. A section for advanced activity stats gives you a more in-depth view of critical statistics like global, network interface, TCP connections/listeners, UDP connections/listeners, and ICMPv4 connections/listeners. You can additionally switch between protocol versions (IPv4, IPv6). Each category features specific areas for viewing in a well-organized window.
Network Activity Indicator allows you to choose a color icon set for Only send/receive detection (blue icon) visual effects, or you can select any icon set for bandwidth visual effects giving you at-a-glance data to your network activity.
Since Network Activity Monitor is portable, you can have it with you when needed, no matter the location.
CrystalDiskInfo is an Open Source utility that monitors and displays the health of your hard drive, including basic information, S.M.A.R.T. values, and disk temperature. Also available as a portable version.
PRTG - Free Network Monitor is a network monitoring solution that ensures the availability of network components while also measuring traffic and usage.
CrystalDiskInfo Portable is an Open Source utility that monitors and displays the health of your hard drive, including basic information, S.M.A.R.T. values, and disk temperature. Also available as an installer.
Wireless Network Watcher is a small freeware monitoring tool that quickly scans your wireless network and then lists all the computers and devices that are currently connected.