New Year Countdown for Android lets you set a live countdown to the New Year.
"Let old acquaintances be forgotten" but not the turn of the year - especially if you happen to be enjoying some adult beverages leading up to midnight. With New Year Countdown for Android, you can set a message or just enjoy the countdown that culminates in a scene full of sparks with a lot of colorful lights and fireworks.
You will see how the camera moves around the New Year and how it focuses on the scene details. You can choose manual camera mode if you want to change the camera perspective when scrolling home screens.
The New Year's Countdown for Android is fully configurable allowing you to show the days, days and hours left until the New Year.
The app listed here is the lite version, but there is a premium version that includes some exclusive features for those interested.
With all the graphics etc., it may cause your device's battery to drain faster than normal.