OSLC Password Locker is a portable app that enables you to securely store your essential passwords within an encrypted database utilizing Sqlite and SM4.
This password manager gives you a simple-to-use app for storing all your important passwords. When first run, it will create a database file named oslcpwl.oslc and a zero byte file named sem3. The database file is encrypted using sm4 in OFB mode, and the sem3 file lets the program know you're using a v3 database.
After starting OSLC Password Locker, you can't do anything until you log in. On the first run, it will ask you for a master password to open the database; this can be changed anytime after logging in. Of course, the database will be empty, and on the bottom pane, you can add new records:
"New Password Description" field - Just a name you give the record for reference. This field is required and must be unique; the app will prevent you from adding duplicates.
"New Login" field - your login for this record is self-explanatory; this field is optional.
"New Password" field - again, self-explanatory, and this field is required.
If you want the program to create a random password for you, you can choose the "Password Maker" button, and a password of xx number of characters will be placed in the "New Password" box. You can hit that button as often as needed until you're satisfied with the password.
OSLC Password Locker is straightforward to use, but there is a readme included in the download to help if needed.
LastPass Password Manager - The last password you'll ever have to remember. This easy to use password manager will make your browsing a lot easier and much more secure without having to remember multiple passwords.
KeePass Password Safe is an open-source password manager or safe, which helps you manage your passwords securely.
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