Paranoid File Shredder will remotely shred files if someone unauthorized accesses your machine.
Paranoid File Shredder is not just a simple file shredder but one that offers a unique feature that allows you to set up triggers for the shredding process. Currently, two events raise the shred alert:
Local Area Network notification
Launch of a desktop shortcut
The above events mean that when it's needed, you can trigger the shredding action remotely from any LAN computer. And all of them will shred configured files/folders and notify any connected networks also. When an alert is raised, Paranoid File Shredder removes files using the DoD 5220-22.M data erasing standard. You can also set it to reboot, shutdown, or no action upon completion of the shredding. There is additionally the ability to 'Raise the alert' manually via a provided desktop shortcut.
Alternate File Shredder will permanently delete files and folders, including the added ability to overwrite the free space on a drive, preventing already deleted files from being restored.