PDF Forte is a multi-language app that converts multiple file types to PDF format.
PDF Forte has a simple-to-use interface for anyone. The left side has all the types you can convert, so all you have to do is choose one, then drag and drop your file to the Window or select "Add Files" to select them. Optionally, you can remove a file if you change your mind or clear everything. A folder is created with your converted PDF files inside.
Currently, you can convert Word, Excel, PPT, images, PSD, and Dwg to PDF format.
There is a wealth of features as well when you convert found in settings.
"PDF Title" allows you to choose a title, subject, author, and keywords.
"PDF Security" allows you to set a password and all the other possible security settings, including the ability to block or allow copying, comments, modification, printing, and more.
"Images to PDF" has the unique feature of allowing multiple images to be merged into one PDF as well as page size, margin, and orientation.
For our tests, we used our first screenshot to load up and convert to PDF. As you can see in screenshot three below, it worked perfectly. The conversion took just seconds.
PDF Forte is intuitive, fast, free, and presented with the quality of a professional app.