Phrozen VirusTotal Uploader can upload multiple files at the same time to the official VirusTotal website, and receive the results in real time. Phrozen VirusTotal Uploader has been replaced by Phrozen Winja.
VirusTotal is a free service which allows you to scan files using most of the well-known antivirus programs and because it scans a file simultaneously, it is also called a Multi-Engined Virus Scanner.
Please note that this software will never replace a real up-to-date antivirus program - It is only another layer of security to protect you and your computer even better against malware, like viruses because it can remove some doubt you might have when you have downloaded a file that you think is suspicious.
Avast! Free Antivirus is the perfect package of applications for people who send e-mails and surf popular websites to protect their computers from a virus infection or other malware threats. Be sure to see How to Install Avast as a Lightweight Antivirus.