Pineapple Pictures gives you a simple, cross-platform, portable, and Open Source image viewer.
It is just a minimalistic image viewer that only provides the essential things needed to view images. The interface has no bells or whistles, and your images must be drag n' dropped in. But it will allow you to flip through multiple images from the exact location. A few items are contained in the right-click context menu, like copy, stay on top, protected mode, configure, etc. All are aimed at simplicity while viewing your image(s). It allows you to view an image's properties, an option included in the right-click context menu, like its dimensions, aspect ratio, file name, item type, path, size, date created, and modified.
The fact that it portable and light on resources, due in part to its limited features, makes it a good choice for any situation where you need to shuffle through images quickly.
IrfanView PlugIns 32 Bit package offers additional file formats and effects for IrfanView. This is the 32-bit version of the plug-in software. There is also a 64 Bit version available for those that run 64 Bit.
IrfanView is a very fast, small, compact, and innovative graphic viewer for Windows. There are additional plugins available here as well as a IrfanView 64-Bit and portable versions.
IrfanView is a very fast, small, compact, and innovative graphic viewer for Windows. There are additional plugins available here as well as a IrfanView 32-Bit and portable versions.