Pixopedia XE32 is a portable image editor and painter capable of performing any action through brush movement. Available for 64 Bit.
It includes realtime 3D brushing and instant shadowing as well as new warping methods, and facial deformations. It can perform ornamental, iterative, and textured drawing with various brush types/shapes. Pixopedia XE32 also has fast filters, special filters, composed filters, convolve, different color manipulation, and adjustment techniques. It additionally includes color twisting, image processing using IPP, and OpenCV.
Pixopedia XE32 also incorporates fast luaJIT plugin scripts through an integrated Lua Image Processing System (LIPS). Convolutional neural network style transfer as well as OpenCV face-swapping, multi-folding shadow caster, and a full-image analyzing tool. This version of Pixopedia was written from the ground up graphics suite has a new drawing engine with various brushes and strokes and an auto-brushing tool for emulating multiple painting styles from photography.
Pixopedia XE32 includes support for various image types. There is also a new ImageMagick plugin support that can be downloaded separately. 32-bit Pixopedia version still comes with the old (single dll) ImageMagick plugin. If you want to use the newest version, you must delete imagemagick.dll file from the Pixopedia folder.
Pixopedia XE32 Features:
Dock/undock possibility added to right bar tools: by double-clicking on the top header to undock/dock active tool.
Stamp brush browsing and loading changed to more user-friendly mode.
Stamp brushes can be rotated.
Selected stamp brush can be rotated on the fly, either by using a fixed angle (jitter, cumulative +, cumulative -) or by a dynamic angle (follow the stroke).
Blur brush tip added to procedural brushes that use static brush tip (solid, hair, parallel).
New brush-type added: pump brush. Similar to image nozzle, but it works with stamp brush collection packed in one file.
Load from file option added to assistant images. If an image has an alpha channel, the alpha channel will be used as a mask.
Spread action->Stroke warper->Color picker mode->Step with brush color scheme mode moved to the bottom of the radio-group.
XnView Full is a powerful tool that enables users to view, process, and convert image files easily. XnView Full has all plug-ins and languages included. XnView Standard has just a few add-ons included.