Poker Lines is a fun and challenging solitaire game which is a variation of classic poker and patience.
It is played on four rows and five columns, with or without a free card. The goal is to arrange the cards in the columns to obtain the maximum score from the horizontal poker lines. The current card in a column can be exchanged with another one from the same column (or the free card) which can be done via drag n' drop. You can exchange it for the free one by right clicking on a card. The highest score, as well as your best time, will be stored and shown on the statistics page.
Poker Lines is over when all four lines are completed, and you make an additional click on the deck; each poker line will be identified and scored.
Game line scoring:
-2 points - Jacks or Better -3 points - Two Pairs -5 points - Three of a Kind -7 points - Straight -9 points - Flush -12 points - Full House -40 points - Poker (four of a kind) -100 points - Straight Flush -500 points - Royal Flush
Poker Lines includes several keyboard commands:
-ESC minimizes the game window (boss keys) -ENTER starts a new game or closes the menu windows -N shows Next cards -S displays the Settings page -T displays the Statistics page -Backspace cancels the last move, if possible -X closes the game