Pop!_OS is an operating system for STEM, gamers, and creative professionals who use their computers as a tool to discover and create. Unleash your potential on secure, reliable open-source software.
Workspaces - Keep relevant content together and irrelevant content out of sight. When the clutter overwhelms you, toss it onto another desktop. Problem solved.
Keyboard Navigation - Arm yourself with power at your fingertips. Use keyboard shortcuts to: Move/resize windows Search for anything launch applications
Stacking - Stack application windows atop one another like tabs in a web browser. Just remember to switch off Steam when the boss walks in.
That app you desperately need to function? We probably have it. The vast software libraries of Ubuntu and Flatpak combine to make all of your tools available in a single location, called the Pop!_Shop. The Pop!_Shop is our version of Android’s Play Store or the App Store on iOS, and we’re constantly adding new applications to the mix—a productivity cocktail that goes down smooth.
Pop!_OS includes many gamers features, including Hybrid Graphics, dark mode, do not disturb, and support for Steam, Lutris, and GameHub.
MultiBootUSB is a software installer that allows the user to install multiple Live Linux Distros to a single USB drive/Pendrive/Flash drive and boot from it.