PotBot Poker Suite lets you host, join or play Texas Hold Em against bots or friends.
Creating a new table gives you a wealth of options to set up a game any way you want including hosting or joining a server as well as local play. You can name the table, amount of chips, number of players and the starting big and small blind. You can also choose cash or tournament games. In tournament games, you can also set how many rounds before the blinds go up. It also offers predefined tables as well as a fast or slow option. Game info and statistics are also available.
The AI seems to play very well. I am actually playing a bunch of donkeys online at the same time that I am testing this game and I can say that the AI is certainly better than what I see from online players. Since every table has a different style player, you expect to see all of these styles. There was a wide array of styles from conservative to aggressive and obviously a lot of time has gone into the gameplay. The only thing the game currently lacks is a better interface. Most of us are used to a certain design in poker games and this one misses the mark by a longshot. It’s hard to fault the design in its current stage considering that it was built by one person and is an impressive start as gameplay goes.
Version History for PotBot Poker Suite:
Name of application changed: "Potbot Poker Suite"
Fix: Client can raise now
Server can host a game now without joining game
Client can join with AI now
Offline table allows you to play with AI
Fix: bug in online games when more than 1 winner per pot
Fix: Possible bug when adding blind levels
Fix: Stats from when wrong name changes
Fix: Clients didn't see their pocket lock
Fix: Possible Choose card form opened twice in showdown calculator