ProcessTCPSummary is a simple portable option that gathers and displays all processes that have TCP connections or listening UDP ports.
ProcessTCPSummary is active immediately after opening and gathers/displays details for every process, including the total number of TCP connections, the number of TCP connections for each status (Established, Listening, Syn-Sent, Syn-Received...), the total IPv4 TCP and IPv6 TCP connections, common port numbers, and more. You also have the advanced option to run ProcessTCPSummary as an Administrator, which will grant you the ability to watch the number of TCP/UDP bytes sent/received by every process and the current send/receive speeds.
ProcessTCPSummary is an excellent option for verifying that there are no unwanted ports open, as these can be leveraged by cyber-criminals intending to insert malware, ransomware, etc., so having an accurate picture can be helpful to help you keep an eye out for issues.
Simple Port Forwarding works with webpages and not directly with your router making it a safe program to use. Supports 52 Languages and 2600+ routers. Portable version also available.