Effortlessly view and edit your pictures with the straightforward and Open Source REAL3D Photo Viewer.
This app permits you to view and edit images as an alternative to the Windows Photo Viewer. REAL3D Photo Viewer is written in FL-Essentials v1.5.x, and all the source code is available in the examples folder.
REAL3D Photo Viewer supports all regular file formats such as JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, DICOM (DCM), etc. It also includes photo adjustments with several filters, single file or batch file adjustments, resize and invert as well as auto-enhance, denoising, rotate, and flip features. It can also perform photo to video conversions along with selected time delay slide shows. When you are ready, you can save your pictures in several formats such as JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, etc.
REAL3D Photo Viewer is easy-to-use and provides enough options to make it a viable option even as an alternative to the default Windows Photo Viewer.
IrfanView PlugIns 32 Bit package offers additional file formats and effects for IrfanView. This is the 32-bit version of the plug-in software. There is also a 64 Bit version available for those that run 64 Bit.
IrfanView is a very fast, small, compact, and innovative graphic viewer for Windows. There are additional plugins available here as well as a IrfanView 64-Bit and portable versions.
IrfanView is a very fast, small, compact, and innovative graphic viewer for Windows. There are additional plugins available here as well as a IrfanView 32-Bit and portable versions.