Registry Explorer provides improved features over the built-in Windows Regedit.exe.
Registry Explorer is an optional replacement with enhanced functionality (and it is portable). For instance, it can sort the list view by any column, provides key icons for hives, inaccessible keys, and links. It also offers vital details: last write time and number of keys/values and displays MUI and REG_EXPAND_SZ expanded values. You can also perform a full search (Find All / Ctrl+Shift+F), and if needed, you can also perform undo/redo actions and copy/paste of keys/values.
Registry Explorer also includes an enhanced hex editor for binary values and dark mode. If you work within the registry and have always wanted a little more functionality, this little Open Source app may be the ticket to help make it a more efficient experience.
When working with the registry (recommended for advanced users only), create a backup!
Wise Registry Cleaner scans the Windows registry and finds incorrect or obsolete information in the registry. This is one of many tools included in the Wise Care 365 free suite.
RegCleaner is an easy-to-use program. With RegCleaner, you can easily get rid of those old and obsolete registry entries created by software that you destroyed ages ago. - Registry Backup is a backup tool that uses the Windows Volume Shadow Copy Service to backup your system registry. From the author of Tweaking.Com - Windows Repair.