Remote Desktop PassView is a small utility that reveals the password stored by Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection utility inside the .rdp files.
Notice: Currently, this tool doesn't work with the latest versions of Remote Desktop Connection utility. You can use the following tools to get the passwords stored by new versions of Remote Desktop Connection (6.0 or higher):
Version History for Remote Desktop PassView:
Version 1.02 - Removed the command-line options that export the passwords to a file from the official version. A version of this tool with full command-line support will be posted on a separated Web page.
Version 1.01 - The configuration is now saved to a file instead of the Registry.
Version 1.00 - First release.
TeamViewer is a popular, easy-to-use free remote access program to access or let someone remotely access your computer. It can be installed or run as portable. Video tutorial available.
Remote Desktop Manager is designed for managing all of your remote connections - from adding and editing to organizing or finding a remote connection quickly.