Revolutions Pack (RP) is an unique program designed to improve Windows 98/Me user experience with:
* Stability and Control. It provides new Ctrl-Alt-Del dialog allowing precise control over system resources. It includes technologies which are improving system reliability by protecting system resources and providing better resource utilization and cleanup.
* Appearance and Personalization. Revolutions Pack has UberSkin with it - the most powerful free skinning engine built around closed-source OS. It is able to change almost any GUI element at no cost over usability. You want Windows XP skin looking better than real Windows XP? No problem. Now, with RP9, you'll also have all-out power over icons. RP9 reintroduces 32-bit icons - with shadows, smoothed edges and rich colors. Do you care? RP9 comes with fine set of icons which you can choose from - and restyle whole system icon set in one click. Where to click? In RPConfig - new control tool for personalization. It's the storage for your wallpapers, skins and icons - your style.
* Usability and Effects. New RP version has neat little features like: ClearType - Microsoft subpixel font smoothing technology which greatly improves reading on LCD screens; Big buttons for taskbar - greatly improves task switching on big screens; Menu fading - if your eyes are tired from pop-roll menus; Hotkeys - for keyboard pundits. Now you can use WIN+UP/DOWN to maximize/minimize windows. And I've just started.
Uxtheme Multi-patcher will allow you to use any 3rd party msstyle theme on Windows (with Themes enabled) just by patching the uxtheme.dll (dynamic link library).