Set Wallpaper Utility is a simple little portable background theme utility that displays systems details on top of a blue background for your desktop.
If you are not interested in having custom images for your desktop background but instead prefer a more sterile informational display. In that case, Set Wallpaper Utility will be right up your alley.
The informational display set against a blue (Hex - FF00499C) background shows your PC's name, user & domain name, OS version/service pack level, as well as displaying up to five IP addresses. This display is not moveable, and there is no user manipulation allowed.
There is nothing to install, download, and launch the executable. If you no longer need it, then delete the executable. Nothing to uninstall.
Uxtheme Multi-patcher will allow you to use any 3rd party msstyle theme on Windows (with Themes enabled) just by patching the uxtheme.dll (dynamic link library).