Shellbag Analyzer & Cleaner is a straightforward tool from the makers of PrivaZer that is capable of displaying and removing Shellbag-related information.
ShellBags keys may contain information concerning your past activities on your PC, like the names and paths of folders you opened (even if the folder has been deleted), including detailed timestamp information, creation time, modification, and access time. As part of an efficient privacy regimen, this data can be cleaned, making it inaccessible to prying eyes.
Shellbag Analyzer & Cleaner is displayed from a simple utilitarian UI. Hit the scan button to begin. It then compiles the relevant data breaking it down into last visited, folder, path, type, slot key & number, window position/size, and creation/modification/access dates, which can be sorted so you can prioritize your specific needs. From there, you can then hit the clean button. This brings up the cleaning options available via checkboxes. There are also advanced options for cleanup type, including secure clean with a selectable number of passes you wish to employ as the data is removed.
Shellbag Analyzer & Cleaner is a simple enough option for removing your folder and file activity tracks.
Alternate File Shredder will permanently delete files and folders, including the added ability to overwrite the free space on a drive, preventing already deleted files from being restored.