Sicyon provides you with an all-in-one scientific calculator usable for students as well as developers, researchers, and even professors.
If you are studying or using physics, chemistry, engineering, and need to calculate formulas and tables of constants, then this little app is for you. It is designed to be easy-to-use and includes everything required for calculating or investigating a function, including charts, roots, min/max, integral, derivative, fit data over, etc.
Sicyon calculator combines an intuitive interface with an object-oriented approach to provide a fast learning curve while staying at a high level of efficiency.
Sicyon Features:
calculate the value of a math expression using variables and user-defined functions.
'Program mode' allows you to execute script code in the main window.
easy access to user-defined functions (JScript™ or VBScript™ languages) by buttons organized in function boards.
searchable tables with various physical and chemical constants arranged in data boards (~50 of them).
editable spreadsheet-like user-data boards.
"plug-in" additional applications called tool boards, usable as objects in the script.
organize the boards as tabbed pages in groups with a board browser for easier access and search.
plot / tabulate a function in Explicit or Parametric mode. Draw many curves/surfaces on the same chart (multi-chart).
You can combine 2D and 3D graphs, with data from user data boards or the clipboard.
solve nonlinear system of equations. Sicyon will find all the solutions of nonlinear system of up to 6 equations.
projects' collection of curves and surfaces (more than 100 of them).
find minima and maxima in 2D and 3D with charts included.
find definite integral in 2D and 3D of an expression in a given interval. In 3D - partial derivatives (∂/∂x, ∂/∂y, and ∂²/∂x∂y) (chart).
fit a curve over data set (non-linear regression)
fit batch of data sets to the same function and gives the fitted coefficient results and batch statistics in a table.
fit more than 3300 functions over a single data set and present the list of the best-fitting functions with their coefficients.
customizable (template-based) HTML reports for all math procedures.
use a sophisticated unit of measurement converter, same functionality as Sicyon Unit Converter
use matrices and matrix calculations.
context help on any level of organization - function buttons/ boards/groups.
For advanced users:
use Sicyon as an out-of-process COM server to access a scripter and most of Sicyon's features (a development kit is included).
create new constant boards with Data-board Utility.
add new units of measurement and their conversion rules from, and to SI.
Free42 HP-42S Calculator Simulator is an Open Source recreation of the HP-42S Scientific Programmable Calculator and HP-82240 Printer. Plus42 is also available.