Simple Internet Meter is my new bandwidth monitor. After my program CS Fire Monitor came out years ago I had many requests for added features. Many of those features where not possible to add using the Windows API. Such as seeing what is internet traffic and what is local network traffic. The only way to accomplish this is to look at the packet data. So I made this program using WinPcap and PacketX.dll.
Limitations: 14-day trial
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Easily change the colors to fit your style and taste.
Resize the monitors to make then very small and transparent, keeping them out of the way
Blend to desktop mode makes the monitors blend to your desktop.
Ghost mode makes the monitors click through.
System tray icon can be animated to show network traffic.
Open network connections and Windows firewall settings from the right click menu of the tray icon. (This makes getting to these areas much easier in Vista and Windows 7)
Repair and view Network Information from the right click menu.
View Detailed Netstats, showing what ports are being used and by what program.
Extra Stats
Features available only in the standard version:
Remote View (Monitor Multiple Computers from any where in the world)
Complete Internet Repair does exactly what it says. It attempts to repair everything internet-related, including networking problems. Video tutorial and a portable version are also available.
With inSSIDer, you can inspect your Wi-Fi and surrounding networks, scan and filter hundreds of nearby access points, troubleshot the competing access points and clogged Wi-Fi channels, and more.
Simple Port Tester is a free program by to help users test if their ports are open with just a few clicks. Now supports 52 Languages. Portable version also available.