Simple Porn Blocker allows you to block all the popular porn websites.
This app works by modifying the \ etc \ hosts file to restrict access to multiple porn websites. It is done with a single click which then effectively blocks 3000+ popular pornographic websites on any web browser, including Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, among others. It can be a useful tool for parents to prevent children from visiting porn websites. Employers can also use it to keep employees from visiting those type of sites during company time. The interface is simple, and to the point letting, you immediately know that has either blocked or unblocked the sites. Keep in mind that with the modification of the hosts file it will show some hits on Virus Total.
Once installed, you will need to restart the web browser for the changes Simple Porn Blocker has made to take effect. There is also a portable option allowing you to load it on a USB device to take with you on the go.