Skype AdBlocker is designed to remove all ads, promotions, tips, data collecting and more from Skype. Video tutorial available.
Currently, it can block any ads in any version of Skype, remove the top and side ads placeholders in all Skype profiles, disable Skype Promo and Tips in all profiles, blocks collecting some data by Skype, and DNS cache cleaning.
Skype AdBlocker is a batch script, so there is no interface, settings or options. You simply execute the file, Skype will be closed, and the settings applied. Skype will then restart.
Because Skype AdBlocker is a batch script, there is no uninstall. However, you can revert to the original settings by renaming "skype-adblocker_4.exe" to "saber-deact.exe" and executing it.
Version History for Skype AdBlocker:
+ Code improved and extended.
Changed x64 | x86 type processing and many more fixes.
+ Redirects prefix replaced to fast :: instead slow loop
Except Windows XP. ipv6 not supported in this OS by default.
+ Added automatic hosts file backups before processing.
One backup file before adding or removing blocks. No backups spam in \etc folder.
+ Added ability to remove Skype AdBlocker from system.
Rename downloaded exe to: saber-deact and start as usualy.
+ Updated RAR5 SFX to latest version.
WinRAR v5.40
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