Smart Math Calculator easily allows you to do all your calculations in one convenient place.
It comes equipped with a smooth user interface specifically designed to reduce the amount of time needed to pop up the calculator - type an expression and get the result.
Smart Math Calculator automatically saves your important calculations enabling you to continue from the last session every time you start the calculator. This the perfect desktop calculator for use with simple everyday calculations, or for extremely advanced high precision computations.
Smart Math Calculator includes many useful features including fast auto-compute while typing, multiple simultaneous expressions, high-precision (1000+ digits), equation solving, defining of variables/functions/recursive functions, a fraction calculator, arbitrary bases (binary, oct, hex, etc), the ability to auto-save the current session as well as Open previously saved calculation sessions.
Free42 HP-42S Calculator Simulator is an Open Source recreation of the HP-42S Scientific Programmable Calculator and HP-82240 Printer. Plus42 is also available.