Snal Linux is a small Linux distribution based on Arch Linux built to be used as a live USB image to troubleshoot hard disk, system, and network problems.
Snal Linux features the i3 window manager and it includes the Firefox web browser and a handful of network and filesystem utilities.
Login Information The normal user is snal. The initial password is snal. Change it by running passwd. The root password is root. Change it by running passwd as root.
Graphical Interface The default Snal interface is the i3 window manager. Key bindings are shown on the background image and can be changed by editing /home/snal/.config/i3/config.
Networking To join a wireless network, run wifi-menu as root. Wired networks can be configured by creating netctl profiles in /etc/netctl.
Command Line Interface Snal features the GNU Screen terminal multiplexer. When a new terminal is opened, the user is asked if she wants to run the screen. Pressing enter will run the default: attach or start. If a screen session exists, attach it here. If a screen session doesn't exist, start a new session. The options are as follows:
Entering "y" or just pressing enter will attach an existing screen session or start a new one. Entering "n" will run a bash shell. Entering "x" will join an existing screen session.
Keybindings in GNU Screen consist of control+a followed by one additional character. For example, to detach the screen from the terminal where it is running, press control+a control+d. These settings can be changed by editing /home/snal/.screenrc.
MultiBootUSB is a software installer that allows the user to install multiple Live Linux Distros to a single USB drive/Pendrive/Flash drive and boot from it.