Spamihilator works between your Email-Client-Software and the Internet and examines every incoming email.
Useless spam mail (Junk) will be filtered out. This process works completely in the background.
The new Learning Filter (Bayesian Filter) uses the rules of Thomas Bayes (English mathematician, 18th century) and calculates a certain Spam-Probability for every email. You can train this filter! So it will know your messages even better than you and continuously increase the recognition rate.
In addition, Spamihilator uses a Word-Filter, that searches messages for known keywords.
Of course, Spamihilator supports Plugins. These useful additional filters protect your system against annoying Spam-Messages.
The program runs with almost every Email-Software, such as Outlook 2000/XP/Express, Eudora, Mozilla, Netscape, IncrediMail, Pegasus Mail, Phoenix Mail, Opera, etc...
Mail PassView is a small password-recovery tool that reveals the passwords and other account details for all popular email clients. Portable version also available.
Mozilla Thunderbird for Windows, Linux, and Mac is a free cross-platform email application that's easy to set up and customize - and it's loaded with great features. A portable version is also available.
Mozilla Thunderbird for Windows, Linux, and Mac makes emailing safer, faster, and easier than ever with intelligent spam filters, a built-in spell checker, extension support, and much more. A portable version is also available.
Mozilla Thunderbird Portable (Legacy) for Windows makes emailing safer, faster, and easier than ever with intelligent spam filters, a built-in spell checker, extension support, and much more. Also available here as an installer.