spelr is a small, portable, multi-language, intelligent spell checking utility for Windows that will work with any program. spelr allows you to spell check the contents of the clipboard, selected text, or a whole document. You can spell check emails, text files, browser forms or text in a program which does not have a built-in spell checker. spelr is packaged with the U.S. English dictionary by default, but it is compatible with the Mozilla dictionaries so you can install multiple dictionaries to suit your language preferences. spelr sits quietly in your system tray, always ready when you need it.
spelr Features:
Spell check clipboard contents, selected text, or an entire document
Option to automatically paste back the spell-corrected text to your document
Option to auto-correct misspelled words using the auto-correct dictionary
spelr will learn your behavior and display corrections for misspelled words accordingly
Includes a personal dictionary for adding your own words
Install additional dictionaries for different languages
User configurable hotkeys for performing all core spell checking functions
Quick access to an online dictionary, thesaurus and other information related to a word