SPM - Monitoring (Simple Ping Monitor) is a user-friendly comprehensive network monitoring center.
This tool is designed to monitor your office IT environment more efficiently by putting the required tools together in one place. It will notify you if some hosts are unavailable (or answer time is too long, its "CPU is overloaded," "available RAM is Low," "low logical disks free space," "disks overloaded," or 'network adapters overloaded'). All of which are meant to keep you on top of all aspects of the network. It can also provide you with notifications by E-Mail, SMS, or Telegram Bot.
SPM - Monitoring (Simple Ping Monitor) will be a great asset to those in charge of monitoring the network in various locales and does so from a nicely designed interface that makes the entire effort a smooth process.
SPM - Monitoring (Simple Ping Monitor) Features:
Monitoring hosts CPU load, available RAM, Logical Disks free space and load, network adapters load
Windows EventLog events forwarding and host reboot notifications
Agents for Windows and Linux
Web Sites Monitoring (HTTP)
E-Mail Notifications support custom templates
SMS Notifications (worldwide)
Telegram Notifications (get notifications in your IT chat, logs, uptime stats) (support proxy)
Notifications support dependencies or chains of dependencies (For example, don`t need to send notifications for each VMs when its HyperV host is unavailable)
Simple Port Forwarding works with webpages and not directly with your router making it a safe program to use. Supports 52 Languages and 2600+ routers. Portable version also available.