SpoofStick is a simple browser extension that helps users detect spoofed (fake) websites. A spoofed website is typically made to look like a well known, branded site (like ebay.com or citibank.com) with a slightly different or confusing URL. The attacker then tries to trick people into going to the spoofed site by sending out fake email messages or posting links in public places - hoping that some percentage of users won't notice the incorrect URL and give away important information. This practice is sometimes known as phishing".
SpoofStick makes it easier to spot a spoofed website by prominently displaying only the most relevant domain information. It's not a comprehensive solution, but it's a good start.
This version of SpoofStick is free to use and is not officially supported by CoreStreet or any of its affiliates. CoreStreet does not make any claims about the quality of this software or its suitability to any task.
Installation Instructions
Download spoofstick-firefox.xpi and save it in a local directory. In Firefox, go to File->Open File and open the spoofstick-firefox.xpi file from where you saved it. When installation is complete, close all Firefox windows and restart the browser.
Usage Instructions
SpoofStick just sits there contently displaying the domain name of the site youre currently on.
Before entering any information into a site, glance up at SpoofStick to confirm that you are where you think you are.
To configure the size and color of the display, right click anywhere on SpoofStick or go to Tools->Options->Extensions, select spoofstick-firefox.xpi and click on the Options button.
SpoofStick is a normal Firefoxtoolbar, so you can turn it on and off by going to the View->Toolbars menu and toggling the checkmark next to SpoofStick.