SSD Tweaker will optimize your SSD Drives with all the advice online that can take hours of research to properly locate and setup yourself.
SSD Tweaker Lets you Tweak the following:
Windows SSD Optimizations Free updates to latest release (Pro) Software Activations (The same computer is only counted once.) (five for Pro) Lifetime License Refresh (If you replace every licensed computer, you can reset the license again.) (Pro) Memory Management (To optimize RAM Usage) Windows UAC Support Prefetch & Superfetch Control (For IO management) Advanced Features TRIM Checkup TRIM Diagnostics & Optimisation Wizard (Make sure TRIM ismaintaining system performance) (Pro) Automatic software updating (Pro) SSD DIPM Support Control (For battery life improvement) (Pro) Windows Services Control (Pro) Advanced DLL Management (Pro)
Features are as listed above. The pro version (as noted above) price is $15.00.
Samsung SSD Magician is designed to help users manage the health and performance of their Samsung SSD. For cloning your old drive to your new Samsung SSD, you will need Samsung Data Migration.
SanDisk SSD Dashboard helps SanDisk SSD users maintain peak performance of their SanDisk SSD(s) under various Windows operating systems with an easy-to-use graphical user interface. Some users are reporting problems with the latest version, so we've made versions \ available for download here.