SuperPuTTY Window Manager is a graphical interface for PuTTY sessions.
SuperPuTTY was designed to offer enhancement to the capabilities of the PuTTY SSH and Telnet client, it does so by permitting it to be launched from multiple tabs. SuperPuTTY grants the opportunity for you to manage multiple sessions of PuTTY from one location featuring a straightforward GUI. Additionally, SuperPutty includes support for using pscp.exe to transfer files to and from a remote host. Local terminal sessions can be started with MinTTY.
SuperPutty does not perform any SSH or terminal management itself since PuTTY does an excellent job of this.
FileZilla is a full-service Open Source FTP client with many features and an intuitive interface for maximum control over transfers. 64 Bit is also available.
WinSCP is a reliable Open Source SFTP and FTP client that allows the safe copying of files between a local and a remote computer. A Portable version is also available.
WinSCP Portable is a reliable Open Source SFTP and FTP client that allows the safe copying of files between a local and a remote computer. An Installer also available.
FileZilla is a full-service Open Source FTP client for Windows and Linux with many features and an intuitive interface for maximum control over transfers. 32 Bit is also available.