A remake of The Empire Strikes Back and the winner of the 2008 Retro Remakes Competition.
This game took the author 2 months to write all graphics, sounds and learning to manually code and implement a animation system.
Stage 1 – Probe Droids
The empire has launched thousands of imperial probe droids to discover the location of the rebel base. Your task is to shoot them down before they discover the power generator. Once a probe droid has located the generator, it will start to transmit (emit transmitting sound as well as flash). Destroy these within 10 seconds or the empire will know of you existance and launch its second attack
Take on the walking behemoths and prevent them from destroying the power generator. These creatures are equipped with an advaced sheild technology, leaving only 2 vunerable spots. The head (front visor only) and the legs. The head can be destroyed with 10 well placed hits. The front legs can be taken out with a single tow cable. Aiding the AT-ATs are the smaller, but just as aggresive AT-STs. Again, their armour is inpenatrable except for the front visor. 5 direct visor shots will kill this chicken beast. You can gain additional bonus point by flying between the legs of the AT-ATs. Plasma shots = 25 AT-ST (head shot) = 25 AT-ST (destroyed) = 1,000 AT-AT (head shot) = 50 AT-AT (destroyed) = 5,000 AT-AT (tow cabled) = 2,500 Trick flying = 1,000 , 2,000 , 4,000 , 8,000 etc
Stage 3 – Tie Attack
The imperial forces are attempting to hinder your escape ! Face the fleet Head taking on squadrons of tie fighters. Plasma shots = 25 Tie Fighter = 1,000 Tie Bomber = 1,500
Stage 4 – The Asteroid
Avoid the asteroids at all costs. Lasers are useless against these chunks of rock, so just sit back and dodge, dodge, dodge! Remember, the chances of successfully navigating an asteroid field are approximately 3720:1!
JEDI letters are awarded for completing various things through each wave. Shooting a number of enemies or simply surviving the wave (asteroids) For collecting all four JEDI letters you will be awarded 50,000
Good luck, and may the force be with you … always.
Editor's Note:
As this game was written prior to Windows 7, a DLL may be missing from Windows but is included in the download.