The new digicam takes great photos, but they are too big to send them via mail. Or your grandma has a new camera, but the last 5 Pictures took you a half hour to download. Tinypic can solve the problem and shrink digital images to 1/20 of the original size without too great a quality loss. This means you can send up to 150 images with one mail! The usage is that simple that even your grandma will be pleased. Just drag the pictures onto the program - ready.
The pictures will be resized and saved again. You can select different ways to preserve your original pictures:
Save to the same folder with extended name (i.e. K1024_oldname.JPG)
Save to a subfolder (i.e. K1024\)
Override the original files (!) Be careful: the original files will be lost.
Select any folder as output path.
New: Send a mail directly
The resulting files have a size that is suitable for mailing. TinyPic automatically selects the best compromise between quality and size without asking the user too many questions. The files will be shrinking to 3-10% of the original size without a too graet a quality loss.