UDPterminal is a simple Open Source console app for testing UDP (User Datagram Protocol) client/servers for issues.
This app offers very straightforward usage even for novice users not comfortable using the command line. All the usable commands are given at launch, making it as efficient as possible.
UDPterminal provides you with an easy option to diagnose UDP issues and specified internet connections. Once you are ready, select the application mode (client or server), the IP4 connection address, and the port number. You then have the option for output file selection if you want to save the data for later use.
UDPterminal makes the whole process as easy as possible, including shutting down the app as those methods are provided. If you need to diagnose UDP issues quickly, you can not go wrong using UDPterminal.
Simple Port Forwarding works with webpages and not directly with your router making it a safe program to use. Supports 52 Languages and 2600+ routers. Portable version also available.