VisualFiles Script Editor is a free programmer's editor specifically for VisualFiles scripts supporting VFS and TXT files, including syntax highlighting and more.
This app is a full WYSIWYG script editor for VisualFiles created to help people working with the SolCase and VisualFiles case management systems (now Lexis Visualfiles). All the tools needed for editing are readily available for use via the toolbar. The interface design is simple and broken down into panes, with the editor's most prominent.
VisualFiles Script Editor is designed to make the editing process more manageable, with all features and options visible and accessible. Several things not included in VisualFiles Script Editor, like line numbering or word completion as part of its processes, and there is no detailed help file available. But there is an in-depth look at your machine's information and components in the small help section.
VisualFiles Script Editor can perform code checking so you can parse the code and review it for any errors. It also has a built-in snippet manager, which will allow you to save your code sections for use on a later project or time. It is a well-rounded editor that will be very useful to those that work with VisualFiles.