WaGi's IP-Blacklister gives you the ability to block IP addresses from an online-IP-list automatically, or you paste in your own IP's for personalized blocking.
WaGi's IP-Blacklister works by splitting IPs from its left textbox into 5k lists and then makes one firewall rule per 5k IPs. It does not require any special formatting, and it will grab every IPv4 found in a list (make sure they are separated).
WaGi's IP-Blacklister does not change/delete any firewall-rules not initiated by itself. Also, there are no unique checks for the IPs. If you click the DEL-Button, you only remove the rules matching the selected protocol & direction. And Automatic-Mode will always delete the existing rules matching the selected protocol & direction. WaGi's IP-Blacklister main goal is to update the firewall from IP-blacklists.
WaGi's IP-Blacklister Features:
Blocking a mass of IPs through the Windows Firewall
Block IPs from a List
Interval based Blocking IPs from List
Being faster (5 seconds instead of 2h with a batch script)