WinBin2Iso is a small free program that converts BIN CD images to ISO images.
Files over 2GB are also no problem. When it comes to a quick conversion, it is the WinBin2Iso conversion tool that you need.
Start the program. The first time that you use the program, it will present you with a license screen. The program is free, and the license info is only displayed the first time (per PC).
WinBinToIso does not have to be installed and can be executed quickly from the desktop and can be carried on a small USB-stick or other memory devices.
CDex is focused on ripping and converting things like turning your home CD collection into an MP3 collection on your hard drive. Available as a portable app here.
EZ CD Audio Converter is an all-in-one music converter that rips Audio CDs, converts audio files from one format to another, edits metadata of audio files.