Revolutionize your operating system with WindowFX. Utilize an unprecedented number of special effects for your windows and maximize your computing experience.
Screen Resizing: Enjoy time-saving window management features such as screen border resizing and window border maximizing.
Advanced Controls: Get more from the right-click menu with advanced controls.
Apply custom animations: Pick different animated effects for windows when they open, close, minimize, and restore. (Requires Windows 7 or Vista with the DWM enabled)
Add more to your movements: Add Windows Flick actions to movements, fade windows when moving and add momentum so you can throw windows around on your monitor.
Remain focused on the task at hand: Make the active window stand out, make inactive windows fade away and automatically minimize background windows.
Don't lose your videos: On multiple-monitor systems, keep Flash videos fullscreen when you use apps on other monitors. Don't let your video close simply because you're working on your other monitor.
Offers to install Start10. Email registration required.
Uxtheme Multi-patcher will allow you to use any 3rd party msstyle theme on Windows (with Themes enabled) just by patching the uxtheme.dll (dynamic link library).