Wing Commander 1 Remake uses the Flight Commander game to recreate the original Wing Commander 1 with 3D graphics.
Wing Commander 1 Remake is portable but has over 650 files in the folder. You're looking for "Go" or "Go.bat" if you can see file extensions. Simply double-click Go to start. The last time it was updated, Flight Commander was at version 1.4 and now is at 1.6, so our download includes Flight Commander to be sure it runs correctly for you and to save you from having to setup both games.
In WC1 Remake, you play the famous Confed war hero, Cristopher Blair, in his days of duty on the Tiger's Claw. You will have various wingmen as you advance through the campaign. Whether you win or lose changes the course of your missions. You may get rewards or promotions depending on your performance in space. Read the fiction pages to talk with people and get hints. Briefings are also in the fiction section! To also prepare you for the upcoming challenges, fly the simulator missions against both the Kilrathi Empire and The Confederation. But you must use pure knowledge when it comes to capship strikes.
We found the game easy to jump right in and an excellent recreation of Wing Commander.