Wordsland is a small scrabble-like game in which you can challenge up to 8 friends to see who finds the most words in the given time.
Find as many words as you can before the time ends!
Challenge your friends (up to 8 players) or play alone!
The game is simple: click on the letters to compose a word, then click on "Add" to confirm it.
Letters can be selected in any order (also non-adjacent).
Words can be entered in any language.
Version History for Wordsland:
- added a new registration method: download a temporary license code!
- removed third bundle software
- updated internal libraries code
- updated registration code
WotWord is another word guessing game similar to Wordle, Jotto, and other games, the player has to guess the hidden word by presenting words that are scored according to which letters are in the hidden word.